Getting To The Big Game In Style

Getting To The Big Game In Style

You kick back on the couch with a bowl of chips and your favorite beverage at your side, ready for the big game. You are excited, but something is missing. Then, on television, you see the screaming fans of your alma mater as they tailgate, and, suddenly, you wish you were there. What kept you away this year? You think for a moment and realize that the hassle of travel is the biggest drawback to an otherwise thrilling experience. But it does not have to be.

Traveling by private jet, which can be just as exciting as the game itself, is a great alternative to flying commercially. And it is easy to arrange a charter through a company like Private Jet Services (PJS). Here are a few of the advantages of flying private to get to the big game:

  1. Time Savings & Convenience —  You know the drill. Get to the airport at least two hours before departure time, wait in long lines at security and then wait some more at the gate. Once you board the plane, it will still probably be another half hour until you are in the air. Everyone knows flying commercially is a time suck. When you fly on a private jet, on the other hand, you can arrive at the airport less than an hour before departure time. Plus, without the crowds, security is less of a hassle, and you will access your aircraft from an exclusive terminal called a Fixed-Base Operator (FBO.)
  2. Flexible Schedule — When you fly commercially, you are at the mercy of the airline’s daily schedule. This restriction becomes even more cumbersome when traveling with others, as you would in a group of old school friends. Conversely, when you charter a private jet, you and your party choose flight times that fit your schedule, not the other way around.
  3. Safety — Flying private has become more popular than ever. That is not surprising considering the current virus-driven safety concerns. On a private jet, you will not be surrounded by dozens of strangers. The last thing you want is to miss the game — and the pregame tailgating — because you are sick.
  4. Travel in Luxury — Even if you have never flown on a private jet, you can certainly imagine what it is like. But until you experience it, you cannot truly appreciate it. Would private catering and beverages all around aboard your aircraft get your group in the mood for the big game? We thought so.
  5. Get Closer to Your Destination — What if you are traveling to a college in a location off the beaten path? Flying commercially, you will likely need to endure a lengthy drive after you get off the plane, making a long day of travel even longer. But private jets can land on airstrips inaccessible to large airlines, often allowing you to touch down much closer to your final destination.

Despite all of these advantages, traveling on a private jet requires more planning than flying commercially. However, a good charter company, like PJS, can help you with all the details of your itinerary, from refueling stops (if necessary) to in-flight catering.

So contact our travel experts. With the high demand the private aviation industry is now grappling with, you will want to lock in your reservations today.

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