Corporate Travel Departments Rely on PJS for Aviation Solutions

Corporate Travel Departments Rely on PJS for Aviation Solutions

Private Jet Services (PJS) and our Aviation Consultancy team offer cost-effective solutions, providing valuable alternatives to commercial airlines for corporate shuttles and high-demand O&D routes.  Many Corporate Aviation Departments have already partnered with PJS as the result of a cost-benefit analysis, aircraft selection, and customized itineraries. PJS will tailor a travel plan that is certain to satisfy all stakeholders involved.

Fortune 500 corporations rely on the exceptional safety and service standards of PJS. With a deep skill set assisting corporate flight departments, travel managers, and C-Suite executives, PJS provides customized, cost-efficient solutions to meet individual requirements. 

Why choose PJS?

  • Unique consultancy approach – Leveraging a combined 300+ years of aviation expertise, PJS charts individualized solutions for every scenario by determining the metrics that are most meaningful to each organization.
  • Global platform with broad product offering – The PJS platform can fly small and large corporate groups anywhere in the world.
  • Operational excellence – PJS provides unmatched, highly customized service for every flight and every mission.
  • Cost efficiency – Comparable pricing for elevated safety and service, which can carry an opportunity for substantial savings.
  • Unsurpassed safety – PJS has stringent safety requirements that exceed those of the FAA and every PJS flight is insured for a minimum of $500,000,000.

Private Jet Services has been delivering reliable air transportation services to corporations worldwide for every scenario since 2003, including supplemental lift, corporate shuttle, on-demand flights, and emergency response and recovery. To learn more, please download the
2019 Guide to Business Aviation brochure.

Download the PJS App

The PJS App brings all aspects of private aviation into one centralized platform.