Brexit & Biggin Hill

Brexit & Biggin Hill

Biggin Hill, the UK’s third-largest private airport, is cautiously optimistic as uncertainty surrounding Brexit is now extending to October 31, 2019. The airport is experiencing a nine percent increase in activity compared to last year. This increase in volume, combined with the fact that Britain’s larger private airports, Luton and Farnborough, are bursting at the seams, shows strong support that the aviation industry is certainly not dwindling across the pond.

However, the impending uncertainty surrounding Brexit continues to hinder the market. Business still remains hesitant of London as a business location, an obvious challenge and a sign that all is not well in the global economy. In an industry that thrives on business at a global scale, aviation businesses in the UK have a right to be concerned.

Prior to Brexit, the cost of conducting business in the UK was expensive. High duties and infrastructure costs were impeding growth. It is going to be critical for a post-Brexit Britain to make itself competitive with the rest of the world. Businesses are ready to stand behind the government and continue their flow of international investment into London if the right policies are put in play.

For Biggin Hill, manufacturing giants Bombardier and Textron Aviation have found a comfortable home among its taxiways, and a partnership with a local technical college should help supply the skilled labor needed with the continued growth. The advent of 300 new jobs is a promising sign.

With another delay imposed and no clear exit plan in sight, the UK has been diligently signing bilateral aviation safety agreements to blunt the blow in a hard Brexit scenario. Yet, despite the uncertainty, the private aviation industry continues to thrive.

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